Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Dog Park...Part 1?

Yes, there's a part 1 in that title.  Marty has now gone to two, that right count 'em, two separate dog parks.

I was a little nervous about taking Marty to a dog park.  He's a really sweet and friendly guy, but can sometimes get a little rough and a little protective with other dogs.  Chris volunteered to give a ride to Madison Park, which was recommended to me by a few people on Marty and I's walking route.  The ride was pretty uneventful...aside from me taking us to the wrong park first.

Luckily, Marty was fine:
Hey, where we going?  This car's nice and quiet.
We got to the park around 11:30 AM and it was actually pretty nice.  It wasn't too hot or cold out and the park itself wasn't terribly crowded.  Marty was a bit nervous once we got in, he didn't really know what to do.  Marty really needs there to be a leader when it comes to play time with other dogs.  He knows he can just be cute to get people to play with him, but with dogs he's just at a loss.

We were at the park until about 1:00 or so, with Marty running around for maybe half the time and the rest of the time just wandering around the park or hovering near Chris and I.

So, this fence is fun.
Right before we left a collie with a ton of energy came in.  Her owner started tossing around tennis balls in rapid fire.  Marty got excited and started running after as well.  Unfortunately he had little hope of actually catching the collie or beating her to a ball.  Most of the time Marty just ended up like this:

Soooo....where did everyone go?
We left the park and Marty was pretty tuckered out.  It was a lot of fun and everyone at the park was super nice.  We're definitely going to have to make our way back there at some point!

As an aside, this past Sunday was Marty and I's 2 month anniversary.  Here's a quick video of his tricks!

Wait...I found it:

Sorry for the crappy quality.  There's not great lighting in my room.

K bye!

1 comment:

  1. Such a proud papa! I love the video and posts! Can't wait to meet Marty!
